BSc in Civil Engineering

This four year full-time undergraduate programme aims at imparting conceptual knowledge of civil engineering to the students and developing in them competencies required for professional Civil Engineers. In addition to the academic studies, the undergraduates are exposed to an industrial environment through project work, industrial training, survey camps and field visits. The wide range of competencies required by the graduates as professional engineers and military officers are developed through inter-disciplinary studies in fields of management, law, languages, information technology etc. Students need to earn 135 GPA Credits and 15 NGPA Credits for graduation. Engineering Officer Cadets require 35 MGPA Credits on top of the above for graduation.

2 2
Code Subject GPA Credits NGPA Credits MGPA Credits
CE 1012 Structural Mechanics I 2    
CE 1012 Fluid mechanics I 2    
EE 1012 Electrical Engineering 2    
EE 1022 Electronic Engineering 2    
MA 1013 Engineering Mathematics I 3    
ME 1012 Applied Mechanics (Statics) 2    
ME 1022 Workshop Technology 2    
ME 1032 Engineering Drawing 2 2    
IT 1012 Introductions to Information Technology 2 2    
DL 1131 English: Basic Study Skills (Engineering)   1  
AE 1012 Engineering Design and Skill Development   2  
MS 1014 Military Studies     4
  Total Credits 19 3 4
CE 2033 Fluid Mechanics II 3    
CE 2043 Building Construction and Materials 3    
CE 2053 Surveying I 3    
CE 2062 Fundamentals of Transportation Engineering 2    
MA 2023 Engineering Mathematics II 3    
ME 2052 Fundamentals of Thermodynamics 2    
ME 2072 Computer Aided Drafting 2    
DL 2141 English: Advanced Study Skills (Engineering)   1  
MS 2024 Military Studies     4
  Total Credits 18 1 4
MA 3033 Engineering Mathematics III 3    
MF 3192 Introduction to Management 2    
CE 3072 Structural Mechanics II 2    
CE 3083 Soil Mechanics and Geology I 3    
CE 3092 Surveying II 2    
CE 3102 Hydraulic Engineering 2    
CE 3112 Construction Planning and Cost Estimating 2    
CE 3122 Structural Analysis I 2    
DL 3151 English: Writing and Speaking Sills (Engineering)   1  
MS 3032 Strategic and Defence Studies     2
MS 3044 Military Studies     4
  Total Credits
18 1 6
MA 4042 Engineering Mathematics IV 2    
MA 4041 Applied Statistics 1  
MS 4052 Presentation Skill Development Project     2
CE 4132 Design of Steel Structures 2    
CE 4142 Engineering Hydrology 2    
CE 4152 Disaster Risk Management 2    
CE 4163 Soil Mechanics and Geology II 3    
CE 4173 Fundamentals of Environment Engineering 3    
CE 4183 Design of Concrete Structures I 3    
DL 4161 English: Research Writing Skills (Engineering)   1  
MF 4162 Human Resource Management and IR 2    
MS 4064 Military Studies     4
  Total Credits
20 1 6
CE 5192 Construction Management 2    
CE 5202 Fluid Mechanics II 2    
CE 5213 Environmental Engineering Design 3    
CE 5222 Structural Analysis II 2    
CE 5232 Design of Concrete Structures II 2    
LW 5512 Commercial and Industrial Law 2    
CE 5811 Industrial Visits and Report Writing I   1  
CE 5242 Survey Camp   2  
CE 5252 Professional Ethics 2    
CE 5262 Engineering Economics 2    
CE 5272 Highway Engineering 2    
  Total Credits 19 3 0
CE 6856 Industrial Training   6  
  Total Credits 0 6 0
CE 7283 Design of Timber and Masonry Structures 3    
MF 7012 Business Economics and Financial Accounting 2    
CE 7293 Construction Technology 3    
CE 7302 Hydraulic Design 2    
CE 8916 Research Project*      
CE 8934 Comprehensive Design Project*      
CE 7821 Industrial Visits and Report Writing II   1  
CE 7313 Geotechnical Engineering 3    
DL 7351 (Either) Sinhala: Basics for Beginners(Or) Tamil: Basics for Beginners   1  
ME 7213 Industrial Engineering   1  
  Total Credits 16 2 0
CE 8323 Geotechnical Design 3    
CE 8332 GIS and Mapping 2    
CE 8934 Comprehensive Design Project* 4    
CE 8916 Research Project* 6    
CE 8342 Sustainable Design and Construction 2    
CE 8352 Building Services Engineering 2    
  Elective I 2    
  Elective II 2    
  Elective III 2    
CE 8934 Comprehensive Design Project* 4    
CE 8916 Research Project* 6    
CE 8342 Sustainable Design and Construction 2    
Total Credits 25 0 0
MS 9074 Advanced Military Training at the Respective Military Academies     15
Total Credits 0 0 15

Total Credits for the Whole Course


135 17 35

*Modules covered and continuously assessed during the 7th and 8th semesters and the total number of credits earned indicated under the 8th semester.


Elective Subjects


Code Subjects
CE 8362 Remote Sensing and Aerial Photography
CE 8372 Highway Maintenance Management
CE 8382 Bridge Engineering
CE 8392 Airfield Construction
CE 8402 Advanced Structural Design with Finite Element Method
CE 8412 Transportation and Logistics Planning
CE 8422 Railway and Tunnel Engineering