KDU Online Registration
Application for a Detailed Degree Certificate/Transcript
Type Of Certificate
Detailed Degree Certificate
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Please choose number of copies.
Copies Of Detailed Degree Certificate
Second Copy Of Detailed Degree Certificate Already Issued
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Warning: Payments must be made exclusively through the Bank of Ceylon (BOC) Web Portal or BOC Branch Counters. Details are available on the KDU website, and QR codes for portal access are displayed in public areas across the University. Ensure payments are made only via authorized methods to avoid any issues.
Student Information (Part 1)
Student Type
Day Scholar(Local)
Day Scholar(Foreign)
Service Officers(Military)
Service Officers(Police)
Other Category
Please choose a category.
Student Information (Part 2)
Please choose a title.
Name With Initials
Please choose a name with initials.
Full Name (As per degree certificate)
Please choose a name with initials.
Please choose a intake/programme.
KDU SVC/Registration Number
Please choose a registration number.
NIC/Passport Number
Please choose a NIC/Passport number.
Faculty of Engineering
Faculty of Law
Faculty of Management, Social Sciences and Humanities
Faculty of Defene and Strategic Studies
Faculty of Computing
Faculty of Allied Health Sciences
Faculty of Built Environment and Spatial Sciences
Faculty of Technology
Faculty of Criminal Justice
Faculty of Graduate Studies
Accreditied Institutions
Please choose a faculty.
Master of Philosophy / Doctor of Philosophy
Master of Law
Master of Business Administration in E-Governance
Master of Business Administration in Logistic Management
MSc in Management
MSc in Strategic Studies and International Relations
MSc in Electrical Engineering
MSc Electronic & Telecommunication Engineering
MSc in Civil and Structural Engineering
MSc in Disaster Risk Reduction and Development
MSc in Biomedical Engineering
Master of Laws in Business Law
Master of Laws in International Law
Master of Laws in Public Law
Post Graduate Diploma in Management
Post Graduate Diploma in Law
Post Graduate Diploma in Security and Strategic Studies
Post Graduate Diploma in Electrical Engineering
Postgraduate Diploma in Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering
Post Graduate Diploma in Civil and Structural Engineering
Postgraduate Diploma in Logistics Management
BSc Management
BSc in Strategic Studies and International Relations Degree
BSc in Engineering (Hons) in Aircraft Maintenance Engineering Degree
BSc in Engineering (Hons) in Aeronautical Engineering Degree
BSc in Engineering (Hons) in Biomedical Engineering Degree
BSc in Engineering (Hons) in Civil Engineering Degree
BSc in Engineering (Hons) in Mechatronic Engineering Degree
BSc in Engineering (Hons) in Mechanical Engineering Degree
BSc in Engineering (Hons) in Electrical and Electronic Engineering Degree
BSc in Engineering (Hons) in Electronic & Telecommunication Engineering Degree
BSc in Engineering (Hons) in Marine Engineering Degree
Bachelor of Laws Degree
BSc in Logistics Management Degree with Specialized in Supply Chain Management
BSc in Logistics Management Degree with Specialized in Financial Management
BSc in Logistics Management Degree with Specialized in Transportation Management
BSc in Management and Technical Sciences
BSc in Social Sciences
BSc (Hons) in Computer Engineering Degree
BSc (Hons) in Computer Science Degree
BSc (Hons)in Information Systems Degree
BSc (Hons)in Information Technology Degree
BSc (Hons)in Software Engineering Degree
BSc (Hons)in Data Science and Business Analytics
Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Hons)in Construction Technology
Bachelor of Engineering Technology(Hons)in Building Services Technology
Bachelor of Engineering Technology(Hons)in Biomedical Instrumentation Technology
BSc in Police Science Degree
BSc in Criminology and & Criminal Justice
Bachelor of Pharmacy (Hons) Degree
BSc (Hons) in Medical Laboratory Sciences Degree
BSc (Hons) in Nursing Degree
BSc (Hons) in Physiotherapy Degree
BSc (Hons) in Radiography Degree
BSc (Hons) in Radiotherapy Degree
BSc (Hons) in Surveying Sciences Degree
BSc (Hons) in Quantity Surveying Degree
BSc in Built Environment Degree
Bachelor of Architecture Degree
BSc (Hons) in Industrial and Service Quality Management Degree
Master of Science in Defence and Strategic Studies
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Commerce
Bachelor of Science in Aircraft Maintenance (Hons) Degree
Bachelor of Technology (Hons) in Information & Communication Technology
Bachelor of Biosystems Technology (Hons) in Applied Biotechnology
Bachelor of Science in Applied Data Science Communication
Bachelor of Arts in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
Please choose a degree.
Date of Convocation
Please choose a date of convocation.
Contact No (Res)
Please choose a valid Contact No (Res).
Contact No (Mobile)
Please choose a valid Contact No (Mobile).
Current Address
Please choose a valid Current Address.
Please choose a valid email.
Agree to terms and conditions
You must agree before submitting.